So I've sucessfully moved to Miami in this cozy little room upstairs in an Argentinian couple's house. They rent out the place to medical students all the time and things have been full of work, except for the fact that I have suddenly been super dizzy (for my medical peeps, I've been trained to NEVER use the word dizzy and instead use more accurate terms, in this case vertigo).
I had intended to write more on this blog, since I've been here since July 9th (which was also another deal). However this thing has knocked me OUT.
I've been unable to go to work at the hospital on random days, especially since it's randomly impossible to sleep since I feel like the world is spinning and I'm on a constant free-fall.
I've since been diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis - which is essentially and as far as we know an infection of the inner part of your ear that's responsible for balance, by a virus.
Virus = no medications for it.
So essentially I'm stuck like this for 2-4 weeks. Which is fine, since there's no permanent damage, but it really sucks since I'm feeling like what we call in the navy a skiver - someone who gets away with not doing work - and I also have not really been feeling well enough to go out and discover Miami.
I'm just in a rut in my bed with randomly doing questions from the online tests to prepare for the boards part 2, watching netflix, and just reading. When I don't feel like I'm in orbit.
Hoping this thing passes soon, and I an live life again.
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