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Sunday, 17 April 2011

I'm going to miss these walks in the dark through east LA. It's interesting how time is a factor usually forgotten when it comes to judgement- at first two shadowy figures are walking towards you and ou feel apprehension but then they walk by and it's not a problem. Same people and two different reactions that you have against them.

So why when it comes to how people act towards us we judge someone and then label and treat them accordingly? Shouldn't there be some reevaluation that takes place?

The resident that I was working under I felt was very hard to read the entire time I worked with her. I wasn't really sure if I was doing a terrible job or a great or even ok one- there were times when I felt like I wasn't making her standard so I would pull back from making written documentation and she would tell me "no it was great;" similarly I can come up with plenty of situations in the opposite direction.

When all was said and done and my time with her had finished she said that I had been one of the most improved ever - she had thought that I would be such drag and she would have to make up for my failures -which she did at first- but by he end of it all she was quite prepared to trust me in taking full control of a patient.

Usually you learn the most from the ones who you find most annoying - they're most different. If you judge them as awful then that just places you further away from being able to learn from them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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