Sometimes you lose everything in the smallest changes. I've had my iPod for about half a year now And it's been a constant problem. It was from amazon at a deal of $100 off but I think the previous owner dropped it which caused me grief in repairing it in Mexico.
But now here in LA, land of the pod, after explaining the situation, they switched it up with a brand new one. I lost the two updates to the blog in the process though!
Anyways we also had a patient with something I wished to never see: Treacher Collins. These kids are essentially born without proper facial bones and they look like they should be mentally retarded. They're not. They're perfectly aware that they look hideous to a typical person-which is tragic. This is all caused by one small mutation on one gene. This one small change caused this child to need to have all his facial bones repaired by us, including cheek implants, teeth pulling and fixing his ear cartilage implants.
And now my small change of taking the 71 instead of the 70 bus tool me to Pershing square instead of union station. I'll have to run two blocks to recatch the red line
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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