I am a big fan of doing whatever you can where you are and taking full advantage of social engineering to further your goals ESPECIALLY educational. It comes from a petty officer I worked with in the navy, PO Gardner who always was asking "what else can we do?" and always had an answer. I definitely was inspired by that method of thinking and it's always served me well.
This last day of mine I was able to schedule a ride along with paramedics. This is a wicked opportunity to learn just how the sickest and the most hurt are found on the scene and how they're initially treated and taken to the hospital by the EMS staff. The crazy thing is though that this is run out of the fire department! So I'm at a fire station!

- and a kinda fancy one at that. After two hours on the public transit system (by the way foothill transit is now most comfortable public transit system in the world from what I've seen) I made it to the fancy part of a city way east of LA.
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